Invest in Giżycko

Invest in Giżycko

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Giżycko is the best place to fulfil dreams, find yourself, and fill the sails for another challenges. It is a unique place. Giżycko is a piece of land surrounded from each side with water, crossed with three channels, and placed on the shores of Kisajno and Niegocin Lakes. Here you will find the best conditions for sailing, fly in ice boat, or surf on frozen lake surface.


Giżycko is described (rightly) by many as Waterside Capital of Poland that attracts with its natural conditions and interesting events that provide positive energy and emotions. Surrounding terrains are the perfect place for active tourism. When visiting, it is also worth to see the unique in the scale of country and world 19th century Boyen Fortress built on so-called Giżycka Island that has exceptional historical value and high tourism qualities.


In our city you can breathe freely and not only because that the city has a great potential and many possibilities for development and self-fulfilment. Simply put, we have the air of highest quality. Here you can breathe for real because Masurian air is unique. Exceptionally clean.


Also interesting is the fact that Giżycko is a sunny city. Rain in our city rains much less often than at our neighbours. Some say that it is a merit of lakes, which by evaporating create a specific microclimate. Other convince that it is a merit of residents, who welcome tourists in such hospitable and open manner. Possibly both merits are relevant...


Here is also located one of the biggest garrisons in Poland, one of seven Olympic Training Centres, and here live the most creative people in the world! Our pride, of course, are sailors, World Champions,Janek Małecki, Julia Szmit, and many other young and talented sportsmen, who develop their skills under invaluable support of their parents and under the eye of brilliant trainers from Giżycko.


We are sure that we live in a wonderful place. Thus, we invite you to visit Giżycko, meet exceptional people and unique qualities of city placed in the heart of Great Lake District considered to be the most beautiful region in Europe and one of the most beautiful cities in the world.


Wojciech Karol Iwaszkiewicz


The Mayor of Giżycko 


Why is worth to invest here?

Economic Potential

Giżycko is the biggest city placed in the heart of Great Lake District considered to be the most beautiful region in Europe and one of 14 most beautiful places in the world.Aside from city acting as a tourist and holiday resort of Masurian Lake District, it is also an important economic centre of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship.


Municipality counts about 30 thousand people. Dominating business areas are services, small manufacturing, production, and tourism. City quickly developed within last couple years and everything indicates that this trend will continue in the future. Numerous projects with funding from European Union year by year increase the quality and standard of urban fabric. Constant expenses on construction and improvements of infrastructure resulted in city being fully developed.

Investments that are carried out by Giżycko Municipality can be constantly observed on website:

In order to promote the huge economic potential of Masurian Lake District, Giżycko participates in project “7 Wonders of Mazury” carried out in partnership, which is created by Stowarzyszenie Wielkie Jeziora Mazurskie 2020 as Project Leader and 11 Municipalities: Giżycko city, Giżycko Municipality, Węgorzewo, Miłki, Orzysz, Pisz, Ruciane-Nida, Mikołajki, Mrągowo city, Mrągowo Municipality, and Ryn.


Local companies and economy of Masurian Lake District are intended to become competitive in the scale of country and recognisable abroad as a strong GML brand. More information HERE. 

Co-operation with entrepreneurs

In the scope of basic information and registration or help regarding the registration of business activity in CRIBA, first contact is Customer Service Point.


In addition, in Office operates Investor Service Pointin which qualified staff offers help in the selection of best investment location.


City creates a favourable climate for investors, which is certified at least by creation of Social Economic Councilin 2014 that operates attached to Mayor of City and focuses local business, directors and owners of biggest companies on the territory of city and district, representatives of entrepreneur associations in Giżycko, Crafts Guild, and representatives of cooperatives. Under co-operation are held, i.e. monthly meetings with Mayor that, what is important, are held outside of office so that discussions about current subjects important to entrepreneurs, their ideas, suggestions, and problems will progress in relaxed atmosphere.


Trusted us


To companies, which operate in Giżycko, belong a.o.: Dairy of OSM Giżycko, Polamp Sp. z o.o., and Rzońca Sp. z o.o.

As a sign of appreciation of companies contributing to the development of city, jury led by Mayor of Giżycko each year awards St. Bruno Award.  Awards are given in eight categories concerning various areas of social and economic life, i.e. in area of Economy and Tourism. Nomination submissions are open and successful candidates are announced during solemn gala.




Municipality’s efforts in the scope of active economic promotion were notices numerous times as Giżycko in 2008 became a winner of National Competition “Golden Site”organised by Polish Agency of Information and Foreign Investment JSC.


Folder “Invest in Giżycko”with condensed information about city’s economy has won in “PRO Warmia Mazury 2013” competition in Promotional Publishing categoryorganised by Marshal’s Office of Olsztyn.


In 2014 Giżycko has acquired the title of “Grade A Municipality” (“Gmina na 5!”) in rank of self-governments standing out in the scope of customer – entrepreneur service with the use of electronic communication tools. 649 self-governments from whole Poland were examined. The rank is prepared annually by Student Scientific Organisation for Acceleration affiliated to Institute of Enterprise Collegium of Business Administration in Warsaw School of Economics. The purpose of this examination is to assess the readiness of self-government entities to service investors and entrepreneurs, as well as other municipality stakeholders, via electronic means. Two areas were assessed: ability to electronically contact office and functionality of official website of municipality. In order to verify and assess municipalities participating in examination was used i.e. “Mysterious Customer” method


In 2016 Boyen Fortress and city as building owner were also awarded for activities for developing that terrain. Our fortification was noticed and nominated by Forum Biznesu to the Tourist Product of the Year title. The award was given during Polish Tourism Congress in Świdnica, where also conversations with Wisłoujście Fortress were concluded. Our Fortress will be present in Gdańsk, and Gdańsk Fortress - in Mazury. In submission we highlighted both the potential of fortification as tourism facility and place with huge investment potential.


Tourism potential

Water reservoirs around city create convenient conditions for sailing, kayaking, and water sports. Channels connecting lakes create attractive water routes with length of 170 km that connect Giżycko with Węgorzewo, Mikołajki Ruciane-Nida, and Pisz and allow ships to regularly sail between the cities.


Regatta events and prestigious sailing competitions. Giżycko is host of International Cabin Yacht Championship, Polish Championship in DZ class, Old Timer Days with Giżycko, or high ranking youth regattas such as Puchar Mazur Energa Sailing Cup.


Events are also organised on city beach, where are organised big concerts near lake (e.g. “Shanties with Folk” Festival, or “Stars on Holidays” concert). Here is also located a small amphitheatre used during various smaller celebrations.


Terrains of Giżycko and its vicinity are also favourable for walking, cycling, and horse riding tourism. During winter period lakes attract fans of ice boats from the whole world.

St. Bruno Hill lies about 1.5 km from the centre of Giżycko between Niegocin Lake and Boyen Fortress. Form the hill you can admire view on city, lake, and surrounding landscape. There are also present gazebos, benches, and place for bonfire/barbeque thanks to which it is an excellent place for meetings with friends.


In the city itself you can see numerous attractions, such as swing bridge from second half of 19thcentury or fragment of 14thcentury Ordensburg (currently hotel).


Organ Recitals in Giżycko are held in Evangelist church built in 1827 according to project of Karol Fryderyk Schinkel.


Monumental complex of Fortifications of Boyen Fortress along with amphitheatre where are held numerous concerts and cyclical events.


Water Tower in Giżycko is also an important place. It constitutes as overlook with museum and cafe from which you can see the beautiful panorama of city and lakes and forests surrounding it.

Virtual walk around Giżycko


Sports and recreational potential
Residents and tourists can enjoy a wide range of sports and recreation facilities.
Recreation facilities:

Swimming pools and saunas

  • Akademicki Związek Sportowy Centralny Ośrodek Sportu Akademickiego
  • Centralny Ośrodek Sportu – Ośrodek Przygotowań Olimpijskich w Giżycku  
  • Mazurska Sauna
  • Miejska Pływalnia Kryta

Fitness clubs and gyms

Tennis courts

  • Akademia Tenisa Ziemnego ACTIVE
  • Akademicki Związek Sportowy Centralny Ośrodek Sportu Akademickiego
  • Centralny Ośrodek Sportu – Ośrodek Przygotowań Olimpijskich w Giżycku
  • Korty MOSiR
  • Kryte Korty Tenisowe

Ice rink

Cultural potential

The Municipality of Giżycko with the help of Giżycko Cultural Center creates a rich cultural offer for residents and tourists.

Culture institutions