Invest in Giżycko

Invest in Giżycko

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Local incentives


Investor Service Pointwas created in attempt to increase the quality of investor service in Municipal Office as much as possible. Its qualified staff will serve you with support and care.


An employee of Investor Service Point:

  • assists investors in necessary administrative and legal procedures at the municipal level;
  • offers quick access to complex information regarding economic and legal environment of investment;
  • will provide universal help in finding appropriate location according to investor’s expectation, as well as partners and sub-suppliers;
  • will provide a pro-investment care for companies (also supports companies, which already operate on the territory of municipality by maintaining a constant contact with them and providing help in resolving current problems related to the operation on territory of municipality).


Podatnicy podatku od nieruchomości na mocy uchwał Rady Miejskiej w Giżycku:

  • XLII/29/2014 dated 15thMay 2014 on releases from property tax under de minimis aid – can use release from property tax for a period up to 3 years for newly built and expanded buildings intended for running business activity.
  • XXI/34/2016 dated 30th March 2016 on releases from property tax in the scope of protected, fading, and preferred industries and daily care over children under the age of 3 – can use release from property tax for buildings or their portions occupied for running a business activity, in which are provided only services listed in this Resolution.
  • XVII/127/2015 dated 17thDecember 2015 that changed Resolution No. XVI/110/2015 dated 19thNovember 2015 on determining property tax rates – property tax rates were lowered:
  1. for sites occupied for tourist accommodation buildings, campsites, campgrounds, and other buildings, in which are provided tourist accommodation services that meet the requirements of Resolution on tourist services and possessing entry into register of appropriate authority,
  2. for buildings or their portions occupied for hotels, motels, boarding houses, youth hostels, guest houses, and other buildings, in which are provided tourist accommodation services that meet the requirements of Resolution on tourist services and possessing entry into register of appropriate authority.

Regional incentives

  • Investor Service Centre


ISC staff operates according to standards determined by Polish Agency of Trade and Investment JSC, was trained in the Agency, and has provided a constant technical support of its employees. Each unit covers with its scope of operation a terrain of Voivodeship in which it has its headquarters and constitutes as a source of current data about Voivodeship’s economy. Centres also possess bases of contact with local authorities and business environment institutions operating on the behalf of development of Voivodeship.


The main objective of ISC is to provide a complex service of investors at Voivodeship level. Centres co-operate with Polish Agency of Trade and Investment JSC at servicing investment projects and run autonomous service of investors, who report directly to them.


  • Office of the Marshal of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship in Olsztyn


Promotion Co-ordination Department

Investor and Exporter Service Centre,


Głowackiego 17, 10-447 Olsztyn

tel.: +48 89 512 51 70

fax: +48 89 512 91 79


  • Warmia and Mazury Regional Development Agency JSC

Warmia and Mazury Regional Development Agency JSC in Olsztyn was founded in 1993. The mission of Agency is to operate on the behalf of economic development of Warmia and Mazury, in particular by supporting small and medium entrepreneurship. This goal is executed through various actions related to directly supporting entrepreneurships in the form of donations, providing loans for business development, advisory in various forms and scopes, organising and leading trainings, and information activity. MWRDA inspires relations between national and foreign entities in the scope of business.


  • Warmia and Mazury Regional Development Agency JSCin Olsztyn

Plac Gen. Józefa Bema 3, 10-516 Olsztyn
tel.: 89 521 12 50 – sekretariat
fax: 89 521 12 60 – sekretariat



National incentives

  • Polish Agency of Trade and Investment JSC


PATI JSC helps investors enter on Polish market and to use possibilities existing on it as best as possible. It leads investors through all necessary administrative and legal procedures occurring during the execution of a project, as well as supports already operating companies. PAIFI offers quick access to complex information regarding economic and legal environment of investment, help in finding appropriate partners and suppliers, and help in finding location. PATI’s mission is also to create a positive image of Poland in the world and promote Polish products and services.


Information on subject of legal regulaions can be found under address:


  • Government grants

Government grants are granted on the basis of Programme of supporting investments with significant meaning for Polish economy for years 2011 – 2023 adopted by Council of Ministers on 5thJuly 2011.


Support is granted in the form of a donation on the basis of two-way contract concluded between Minister of Economic Affairs and investor. Contract regulates in detail conditions of paying donation while keeping the rule that donation is paid out proportionally to duty execution degree.


Requests for support can be submitted only by entrepreneurs planning investments in following priority sectors:


– automotive sector,
– electronic sector and AGD equipment production sector,
– aviation sector,
– biotechnology sector,
– agro-food sector,
– modern services sector,
– research and development (R&D) activity.


In addition, support can be requested by entrepreneurs planning production investments in other sectors with minimum qualified costs of 750 million PLN and creating at least 200 new workplaces or with minimum qualified costs of 500 million PLN and creating at least 500 net workplaces (significant investments).


More information is available on website:


  • Strategy for the Responsible Development (SRD)


Among goals in the coming years, SRD indicates a balanced development of the whole country from economic, social, environmental, and territorial perspective. One of strategic plans carrying out SRD is Packet for medium cities – aimed on equalising development chances of all areas, in particular those with the biggest social-economic problems.


Packet for medium cities concerns cities counting more than 20 thousand residents and cities counting above 15 thousand residents that are capitals of districts with the exclusion of Voivodeship cities – currently it is 255 cities in the whole Poland (including Giżycko). On special support can count 122 urban centres, which according to analysis done by Polish Academy of Sciences are the most endangered by the loss of social-economic functions.


Packet for medium cities is based on two pillars: on one hand it is a support in making public investments and on the other hand it is a creation of conditions for private investments.


In state operational programmes managed by Minister of Development were envisioned preferences for medium cities, i.e. by dedicated recruitments in selected areas.


The sum of funds in state operational programs in competitions dedicated for medium cities under the Packet, planned for the coming years, amounts to almost 2.5 billion PLN.